Craniosacral Therapy

60 min •90 min

Craniosacral Therapy uses light touch to assess where the body is congested or out of balance and to invite the body to heal itself. CST does so by releasing and mobilizing restrictions in the connective tissue surrounding the central nervous system, especially those around the cranium and sacrum.

Because the central nervous system and dura (the connective tissue around the brain and spinal chord) are anatomically and physiologically continuous with the rest of the body, craniosacral therapy is a whole body approach. This, in conjuction with the inseperable connection between structure and function, equip craniosacral therapy with the potential to be therapeutic and preventative to the extent that any condition is structurally based (such as mood imbalances or chronic pain caused by inflammation, etc…).

The Upledger Institute website explains:

By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:

  • Migraine Headaches

  • Chronic Neck and Back Pain

  • Motor-Coordination Impairments

  • Central Nervous System Disorders

  • Orthopedic Problems

  • Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Emotional Difficulties

  • Scoliosis

  • Stress and Tension-Related Problems

  • Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

  • Neurovascular or Immune Disorders

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Post-Surgical Dysfunction

For a more in-depth explanation see this PDF from the Upledger Institute’s website.

Private 1:1 Yoga Instruction

60 min • 90 Min • 120 min • or as part of 120 minutes integrative body therapy session

Personalized yoga practice to explore another avenue of the mind/body relearning it’s natural balance and health. Instruction can focus on asana, meditation, or breath work depending on the individual’s preferences.

Option to practice for the full time, or to co-create a daily practice you can take home, practice on your own, and develop your own relationship with.

Classes are followed up with a write-up of the practice.

**Option to record for personal use.

** Option to receive a small amount of craniosacral therapy during savasana.

This service is very complimentary to the bodywork as it is a way for you to continue to realign, restore, and heal yourself on a daily basis.

This time can also be used to go over self-care techniques such as stretching, myofascial stretching, myofascial rolling, self-treatment, etc…





myofascial release (Barnes)



crystal singing bowl sound healing

Guided visualization, breathwork & Somatic Meditation




Sound healing

practices to take home to support the continuing process of your healing.